"The most beautiful thing we can ever experience is the mysterious - It is the source of all true art and science."
-Albert Einstein
- FADO: The Beginning (songs of long ago via the debate)
- FANDANGO: The Journey (dancing, poetry and comedy)
- FAENA: The Future (fertility – birth, life and death)
CELTIC FADO – SYMBOLIC OF THE ‘WONDER OF BIRTH’ is the bardic fadisto passing on their version of ‘true’ history through their songs. In the Ancient Gaelic language, Fado literally means ‘songs of long ago.’ Modern Fadisto singing Fado in this new millennia have a larger role than ever before in history, they must inspire the people of the world to work together to bring about the change. From the time known as Pisces (our previous 2,160-years) to now, this time of our future on earth, known as Aquarius – the time for new awareness wisdom. What is seriously important for all songwriters’ lyrics being written for today and tomorrows fado, we must study the pre-history of Antediluvian Celtic Culture. We must learn from our mistakes of yesteryear, so as not to repeat them again today, or create any distortion of what is happening worldwide, now and in the immediate and distant future.
CELTIC FADO, in the modern world it is not uncommon for Fadisto to sing their songs of Fado as songs of Destiny, although not necessarily wrong, as it is not wrong to have such a word open to interpretation. But, according to the Gaelic dictionary Fado has one meaning, and that is ‘long ago’. When anyone sings Fado with a true heart, in today’s entertainment market they will become a ‘FAD’ (an abbreviation of Fado) ‘a new fad’ unknowingly, a common Gaelic expression in many countries. And as a fad, they will enjoy being extremely popular. When one has achieved this acclaim from Fado, one must remain diligent in bringing forth the Truth, this way you are sharing with the source, and all Fad status will be maintained. If not, if you deviate from any of the Truths, your notoriety will surely suffer the duality of ‘Fado’ and ‘Fade’, quickly and simply - disappear.
CELTIC FADO, what is not only WRONG, but is a part of the crime against all Celtic Consciousness is that some of the oldest countries around the globe are ignorant of their own Celtic blissfulness. Take Portugal for example, the academics there think Portuguese Fado is less than 200- years old. And even worse, they think it came to Portugal from Brazil, with origins in Africa. One would think that Portuguese with their thousands of years of Celtic Culture, prior to being named Portugal by ‘the powers to be’ in relatively modern times (in fact, only eight hundred years ago), would be more aware of their Lusitanian Celtic cultural heritage. The word Lusitanian is Gaelic, Fado is Gaelic, and either one is more than likely, as old as the other. During December 2004 our company, Celtimania Productions was negotiating to start a Television Series in Portugal. During our research stage we had phoned and spoke to a Marketing Director of The Lisboan ‘Museum for Fado’. She was promoting a new book release, penned by its author from Brazil stating that’s where Fado came from? Less than 200 years ago? With its origins dating back to Africa? This same Marketing Director was using this book for the sixth annual acknowledgement of the death of Portugals most famous Fadisto singer. Amalia Rodrigues with her extra extraordinary singing, had helped sustain her compatriots through decades of the fascistic Salazar dictatorship. We endeavoured to explain to this Marketing Director that due to this fascism, Amalia was restricted to singing only hygienic Government accredited Fado, totally edited and controlled by that dictatorship. We tried reasoning with this woman wether she thought this word Fado, was either Portuguese, Brazilian, African or perhaps it might even be of Gaelic tradition - totally negative response - nothing… we hung up the phone!
CELTIC FADO, another of countless examples of this ignorance is my Country Australia, founded as a ‘British colony’ by Celts just two hundred years ago in 1788 AD. (Another part of this cultural crime is that Australians in general are also ignorant of their Celtic lineage). Early convict settlers were given 20 lashes with the cat of nine – tails, enough to rip multiple layers of skin entirely off their backs, for daring to speak in Gaelic, this being their native tongue, and the second most common language spoken in Australia at this time. Those early arrivals did however at some stage communicate with Australia’s Indigenous peoples, the Elders of this truly ancient race (having been on this continent for much more than - perhaps as much as double – the current popular belief of 60,000 years). And from this, these Celts learned of their music Fado being passed on to these aboriginal tribes by these early Portuguese (Lusitanian) Celtic seafarers visiting Australian shores in the sixteenth century (between four and five hundred years ago). ‘Dreamtime’, it was explained is about Aboriginal creation mythology, and for more than 60,000 years this indigenous race have passed down their knowledge of the ages by ‘oral communication only,’ including their ‘songs of long ago’. Their warriors, in preparation for battle, would paint their face and entire bodies with indigenous war-like artwork. They loved nothing better after a ferocious battle than to perform their spiritual ‘Corroboree’ (dance of appreciation to their Gods), their sacred lore stated that this must occur down by the ‘Billabong’ (the waters edge), and after having crucified a ‘Kangaroo’ (never tied to a tree – this battle for survival was truly man against beast – and man occasionally lost) for a feast around the fire these warriors loved bragging of their exploits during the winning of the battle, both against their ‘very brave’ opposing tribe and of course, the kangaroo, for their on going battle with nature for their own survival.
CELTIC FANDANGO – SYMBOLIC OF ‘THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE’ is Gaelic for The God of Love and the worship of the sacredness of water. Fand is a feminine word representing The Goddess of Destiny and she understands the intertwining cosmic fibre of which she weaves the destiny of all men. Her affinity with the sacredness of water is the natural phenomenon of her connection of water and the miracle of childbirth and nature’s connection with moon rotations, the tidal movements of earth’s oceans and her. Angos is a male gender word meaning ‘Love’. Just as Tara is a very popular feminine name and more than not is given to the first-born Celtic daughter as a symbol of great beauty, or even ‘the most beautiful’. Likewise Angus is a masculine symbol for love, and is commonly given to the Celts first-born son. Religion has given a modern twist on this ancient belief with ‘Cupid’ as he fires the arrow of love from his bow, which inevitably lands in the heart of his desire… In a time long travelled, this Celtic philosophy had Angos always kiss one of a flock of elegant white doves with a magical kiss. And have them set flight in search of his romantic desire, when his loved one saw this flock of flying angels, the magical kiss of Angos would be passed on from ‘the dove of love’.
FANDANGO, The God of Love has for millenniums been represented in their fighting ‘dance’ typified by two men and a woman dancing together, each man vying for the attention and affection of the woman. Her sensual provocative response aimed at each one in turn, was always to assure her champion would be, not only the best dancer (fighter - fiona), but also the best protector and lover. FANDANGO even more traditionally, is the concept of humans coming together to celebrate an event and to rejoice in the company of other like- minded humans. This has been symbolized throughout the millenniums by the Celts, as they have kept in tune with nature with their festivals celebrating the interchanging of the seasons.
FANDANGO also meant the celebration and rejoicing any given ‘event’ and particularly after any great battle, by much revelry and mayhem with singing and dancing for extended periods of time. Always accompanied by lavish wining and dining, extravagant feasts with copious amounts of alcohol, and most importantly, always around a huge fire and near the waters edge. Be it river or lake. Like Australia’s indigenous people have done for much longer than 60,000 years, this was the ideal setting for the Celts to ‘brag about the days briga’ (i.e. briga is the Gaelic word for a ‘big brawl’ (i.e. battle) or ‘fight at the fort’. Briga has been mixed into several European languages for many centuries if not millenniums; in English (being the Gaelic equivalent language of the 21st Century), today we use the terminology ‘big brawl’. *Thus it was not surprising to any Celt why the recent phenomenal exposure of (down by the…) River dance and Lord of the Dance took the entire world by storm. As this was truly Celtic Fandango, and it definitely brought our blood to the surface of our skin. Even though America and Australia are very new countries compared to the history surrounding Europe. The United States Of America has 60.000.000 of their current 280.000.000 population are Celts, and my country Australia also has 10.000.000 direct linkage United Kingdom Celts (exactly half of our population) and most of the rest of our European, plus some of our Asian ‘Australians’ are 1st – 2nd generation related, add to this the interesting mix of our 500 year old Aboriginal - Celtic association, and that is certainly a lot of Celtic blood, flowing with super-charged adrenaline.
CELTIC FAENNA – SYMBOLIC OF ‘DEATH BEFORE REBIRTH’ in Gaelic means ‘THE BULLFIGHT’, and the Gaelic warrior word ‘FIONA’ (actually meaning ‘white - Aryan - warrior’) was where only the most unique martial arts warrior was chosen for the ultimate challenge concerning life and death, between man and beast. About Atlantis, Plato referred to the Aryan Celts and their singing and dancing and crucifying of the bull (perhaps unknowingly Plato was referring to Fado, Fandango and Faenna – never one without three). At this time in Atlantis and for another 4000 years, the bull suffered great humiliation. He was crucified by simply being led with a rope around his neck over to, and tied to a tree. Thus, simply having no defence to his throat being slashed, this cowardly crucifixion being an offering to a deity remained in vogue for thousands of years, eventually a sympathetic Druid said, “no moreâ€.
During the Celtic Sun God solar cycle timeframe of approximately 6178 to 4018 BP, being the Zodiac sign of TAURUS (The Zodiac Age of the Bull lasting some 2,160 years during the aforementioned BP,(Before Present) timeframe – this being just prior to the Zodiac signs of Aries, which preceded the more recent Pisces). Our sympathetic Druid was the immortal Mystical Merlin that pointed out to several of his followers, that if it was good enough for the Sun God to revere this time in space as The Age of Taurus. And this magnificent beast of the animal kingdom was good enough to be selected for the sacrifice to the Sun God.
Then it was time for the Celts to acknowledge this spirituality of the bull, “how should this be done?†was the natural response from Merlins companions. There shall be a contest for everyone to bare witness. There shall be a battle to the death between man and beast. The bull shall have an equal chance of survival; if successful the bull shall live a full life with equal respect and dignity along with us chosen immortals. “What human would dare accept such a challenge?†was the natural response from Merlins supporters. Merlin poised, and then he answered in his usual knowing tone, the Fiona, our own superior warrior class. They are known to be afraid of nothing, unless the sky shall fall upon their heads (Merlin, all the while knowing this was due to the catastrophe at Atlantis). We shall have during our Lusugna Funeral Games, a superior contest to define our most superior Fiona (warrior) and he shall fight to the death with the bull, to be known as THE FAENNA – THE BULL FIGHT, as the highlight and climax of the CELTIC LUSAGNA FUNERAL GAMES (these funeral games were major ‘open invitation’ events staged by all of Europe’s Celtic tribes during an unspecified timeframe prior to the recorded Ancient Greek Circuit Games which were staged six times every four years in the cities of Isthmia, Pythia, Nemmia and Olympia. Fully recorded as early as 2776 BP. – to 1650 BP. (i.e. 776 BC. – to approximately 393 AD.) never being cancelled for any reason, not wars, catastrophes or natural disasters for more than this one thousand years, which was now, almost two thousand years of our modern history.
CELTIC FAENNA, the concept was born, and there shall be rules that I will rely on you, my respected advisors to compile. Then Merlin laid down the Mythology of Faenna to last for eternity. Merlin, knowing the bull to be colour blind, gave his purpose for the precise colours. The Fiona shall have a golden threaded mesh linked body suit - styled to fit from neck to elbows and from neck to his knees. The gold must be pure and shine brightly in the afternoon sun, as this way; dressed in gold the Fiona actually represents the manifestation of the Sun God. His protection shall be a shoulder height bright red cape (coloured yellow on the reversed side) that he can use to disguise his physical movements from behind and or around this cape.
As all that witness this event, these red and yellow flashing movements flowing around the ‘sun’ – they will imagine this to be the connection between the diurnal journey of the sun representing dusk and dawn, or the death (dusk) before rebirth (dawn) of the sun, and or of the bull, and or of the Fiona. And further to this, the mythology of the outcome of this ‘death match’ shall represent the ‘misfortune or the wellbeing’ of the people, guaranteeing the peoples unwavering eternal attention and devotion of this sacrificial and spiritual ‘event’. “Why is this?†asked Merlins disciples enthusiastically. Well, if the bull should be successful and kill the Fiona, although he is a mere man – on this day at this contest he was representative of the manifestation of the Sun God – to demonstrate his anger, the Sun God would have to make his dissatisfaction felt upon the people. One way was to cause a variety of one or more disasters in the form of no rain and intense heatwaves creating droughts, followed by bad crops causing shortage of food and starvation of these people. Or perhaps the exact alternative, extreme storms and floods with blinding lightening and deafening thunder, mixed with even one or more of the following - earthquakes, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes causing total devastation. In short, it ‘would not be good’ for the people if the Fiona should embarrass the Sun God. Then again, should this special offering of a sacrifice of the bull to the Sun God be successful, the Fiona has killed the bull in fair combat (i.e. If the people shall bare witness to this murdered ‘black bull’, killed by a ‘golden warrior’ and laying there on his side bleeding sacrificial ‘red blood’ upon the earth), then the Sun God will demonstrate his pleasure with the event by creating pleasant weather and ample crops, supplying ‘ for the people’ much more food and supplies than they will need for the distant future.
CELTIC FAENNA, this is mythology the people shall come to know and respect, and with the Fiona standing triumphantly in the centre of the arena, the people shall be so over joyed… each time the Fiona shall salute the Sun God with his right fist over his heart and his left hand open with his fingers outstretched, he will reach towards the Sun God signifying the Celtic victory salute, as a response the entire audience will passionately scream with an almost deafening roar…HURRA, HURRA, HURRA. Each time, and always three times, this is their response to the Fiona thrusting his salute to the Sun God three times.
Within three and a half thousand years from now, our Fiona will have catastrophic battles with the Romans, and the Celtic Fionas battle chant shall be their unmistakable call for victory - HURRA, HURRA, HURRA. And this shall set total fear in the hearts of these Roman adversaries. Two thousand years after this as the world enters the third millennium, ‘All European countries’ will celebrate the winning of international sporting events, funerals, weddings and many other events will have all the people of the world still continue acknowledging this victory call of the Celts as HURRA, HURRA, HURRA (in some western countries I will allow the words HOORAY, HOORAY, HOORAY) was Merlins prediction and acknowledgement of a distant future phenomenon. This celebration mythology, which originated from the battle between man and beast, will also be felt throughout the world as a celebration of life. In today’s society it is significant of the victory over ourselves.
The black bull of mythology now represents the only real enemy of the human race, that dark side deep within our own human psyche, that inward fear that can manifest and conquer us in a magnitude of life’s experiences and challenges. Modern religions for reasons of their own have us believe this fear is from an external force. This way they have a degree of control through fear with the teachings of their faith. If this fear is outside of us, then of course we will need assistance from ‘their faith’. This is not the way of Celtic Culture, we defeat our own enemy within… and we shall fear no man or beast – we shall fear nothing, except the sky may fall upon our heads.
Since the beginning of human time, and right around the world today, this HURRAH (HOORAY) is always celebrated three times, “Why?†The Gaelic dictionary tells us that HURRA actually means just that… VICTORY. Thus VICTORY, VICTORY, VICTORY is the universal subliminal message of this ‘celebration chant’ for the winning of all battles over all adversaries, especially this battle within ourselves. About now! Merlin feels it’s time to pull us back to his beginning of this lesson in mythology, back millenniums, there at the time of Taurus. Well now my fellow Druids, I have been busy establishing this wondrous event and displacing this Planetary problem of fear, but what by now have you prepared in the way of the rules that shall make this event fair for both contestants?
CELTIC FAENNA, after much study and debate, we have decided it will be illegal for the Faia to challenge for the honour to compete, due to their lowly street toughness and questionable and sometimes highly immoral nightly behaviour, makes them unacceptable. We must accept only the warriors with the highest morals, and are proven to be the most disciplined of the Fiona. With regard to respect for the bull as you requested, the Fiona must not at any time advance to attack the bull.
He must incite and draw the bull to attack him. The Fiona must prove to the people at all times, he is acting purely, out of self - defence. This is a strategy allowable for the Fiona to tire the beast, just enough to set for the kill, but to wait too long for this tiring process would insult the Sun God, and this would be intolerable, and not a good result for the people. When the Fiona feels the ‘pinnacle’ of the battle for him, the beast and the audience and most of all, the pleasure of the Sun God has finally arrived… he will request his swords and kill cape. This cape must always be of one colour, ‘blood red’ and it must only be hip height. At this time the Fionas assistant shall present him his sword with the cape precisely folded over the blade, this in turn is how the Fiona must present it to the bull.
Now, each time the bull attacks, the Fiona must have the horns of the animal all but ‘touch’ his own body, to exemplify only the bravest of fighting spirit. One overriding rule which is for the advantage of the beast… if the audience should ever acknowledge the bull at any Faenna death - match exemplifies exceptional bravery, and a cosmic fighting spirit to attest his Zodiac sign of Taurus, the chant of the audience will spare the life of the bull, and on this occasion, there shall be no kill!
Somewhere down through the centuries with this event giving the bull immortal spiritual status, the bull acquired enough prestige that various human statements have taken hold around the globe; such as a “Bulls eye†being right on target. Doing anything like a “Bull at the gateâ€, this is being determined while at the same time frustrated. “No Bull†and or “No Bull - Shitâ€, was for ‘no word of a lie’ – ‘the absolute truth’. Plus “Bully for youâ€, as in, this would be good luck for you. “Strong as a Bull†is self - explanatory, plus an epic “He’s as wild as an uncut bullâ€, still with testicles, sexually strong! “As untamed as a scrub bull†(this refers to possibly the bull’s first encounter with a human – to be this untamed is relative to the Fiai fighter mentality), then there’s an old Australian outback station hands expression “Beware of the rogue bullâ€, they say this bull is pure evil and should always be put down immediately. Parents of today’s world warn their children to always “Be aware of the schoolyard Bullyâ€. These are truly our global reflections of the courage of the bull grown out of this antiquity of the SPIRITUAL AWARENESS OF THE BULL - THE AGE OF TAURUS WITHIN THE ZODIAC ASTROLOGY, this time being approximately six thousand years ago during the years 6628 – 4468 BP. (2160 years prior to both the Ages of Pisces and Aries).
Archaeological artefacts of this ancient period in time have unearthed glorious paintings, jewellery, statues, plaques, intricate carvings of stone etc; with possibly one of the most intriguing, being many depictions of this magnificent beast as half man-half bull, as the one entity. This Aryan Culture of respect for this beast also found its mark within Egyptian philosophy during the middle of this Taurus - timeframe (Approximately 5548 BP.) Where Egypt’s creator, King PTAH founded the Divine Cults of Sacred Bulls; The Apris Bull was also the soul of fertility, symbolic of the death and rebirth of the people of Egyptian birthright.
From this point in time, and into the future as these Aryan Celtic Druids, warriors and their communities spread across Asia and Europe, this revering of the spirituality of the Bull went to all corners of the globe with them. Most Kings of countries these Celts were instrumental in establishing throughout this history have wished and prayed to have the qualities of strength and sexuality associated with the reverence of the Bull, eg. The King of Portugal named himself, El Rei D.’ Alfonso, literally translated represents Bull, King, Land, followed by Alfonso (his name).
CELTIC FAENNA… during the ensuing years, the people more often than not, experienced the wrath of the Sun God. Many Fiona faithfully gave of their lives during this attempt to respectfully sacrifice the bull to the Deity. This gave credence to the concept of half a dozen protectors; these brave defenders of the Fiona were developed to take the seriousness out of these warriors occasionally being mauled to death. Being selected from a mixture of famously retired and young trainee Fiona, they dressed in official Fiona uniforms of assorted colours… albeit never, with the prestigious Gold. These six Comitatus (Bodyguards) were very successful in distracting the bull, and learnt quickly to humorously entertain the people, so as to distract them from thinking they actually were saving the Fionas life (not unlike the role of the ‘clowns’ that are so popular in the bull ring and the modern Rodeos of today). Apparently by now, it was enough to lose the battle; there was no need for the Fiona to die in this situation. The bull had won and was liberated and still alive, this meant the people had no need to fear the Sun Gods wrath normally attached to human warriors deaths of this time.
It is believed that from this, ‘stalking the bull’ was derived. A definite crowd pleaser, this event grew from six men lining up in very close proximity of formation with one man behind the other, giving the bull the impression only one man was stalking him. These bulls were riled up prior to entering the arena; they were angry and looking for retribution. This took a little insanity on behalf of the lead stalker to be successful, as the bull came charging at full speed directly at him… the concept was, he must let the horns pass by him while locking himself around the head of the bull with all the might of his arms and legs, thus partially smothering the horns and obstructing vision. Giving some form of protection to his assistants, the next four had to side step, throw themselves to the ground and grab onto a leg each. The last man standing had to side step everyone and as they all passed on by, his task was to grab the bull’s tail. Then it was actually his job to ‘flip’ the bull over onto its side by whip lashing the tail, this being the sole intention of the occasion. Then everyone got the hell out of there as the bull regained his footing and really wanted revenge, this invariably received a standing and roaring ovation. Mayhem exploded out of control whenever the bull was successful with either or both horns entering the legs or body of this front line stalker, throwing him high into the air, the bull then set about impaling and dismembering everyone he could catch and pierce.
This ‘stalking the bull’ event was particularly popular in northern China at THE GENTLEMENS GAMES – For the coming together of Gentlemen, as the games were aptly named. These were staged in several cities where a mix of Chinese and Gaelic was the language of all of the competitors and the fans. This was approximately 3500 BP. Mostly up north on the Mongolian borders where this Chinese Celtic mix has for centuries, and up until today, has these Chinese Celts speak with this virtually unknown mix of our languages. Plus all around this area, they are much taller than is normal within the general mainland of The Peoples Republic Of China, which is universally typical of this cultural mix with the Celts.
CELTIC FAENNA, with this advent of ‘stalking’ it was not long before those Faia warriors, having been banned from competing in Faenna due to their rough and tough image, rebelled with a concept of *their own. Having not been allowed to compete for so many years, they had become even more identifiable for their rebellious ‘briga’ (street brawling and their questionable all night escapades). Faia warriors covered their bodies in continuous flowing circular Celtic tribal markings. These thick shadings of grey to black skin art with no colour gave them half of their evil appearance. Their other half was their ‘war head’ – ‘ brig alia’ from either bald and heavily tattooed skulls, or extremely long hair and spiked Mohawks deliberately stiffened and dyed into multiple colours, giving them sometimes up to an extra 25 centimetres ferocious appearance of height. Make no mistake, these Faia were not to be judged mildly by their personal appearance, they were an extreme warrior caste and although not well educated they were mostly cunning and briga (battle) wise, and their meticulously honed hand to hand combat skills, were second to none. Plus, they were more than prepared to take any altercation ‘all the way’ to the edge - and beyond whenever necessary. They gave full credence to their daunting battle code, ‘DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR’. When these Faia often doubled as ‘Fadista’ (i.e. professional fighters that could also sing professionally), they sang their Fado with haunting passionate conviction, and of course, with a little intimidation mixed in.
With this rebellion, *The Fiai, had developed this third event that was uniquely theirs, and interestingly for no known reason, this did establish itself as an event for Faia only. Today in the 21st Century, it still remains a popular worldwide event that mostly attracts a modern mentality of this outlandish camaraderie - Faia mentality.
* The Faia, being true to the Celtic philosophy of ‘never without three’ had them follow the Druidic concept of fighting the bull, and then stalking, now they decided to ride the bull. They devised the concept of leaping fearlessly onto the bare back of the bull and holding onto a harness type holster strap. This was in the shape of an X attached around the shoulders and chest of the bull, and the one simple rule was; the Faia who could stay on the back of the very angry bull the longest… was then and is still today, recognised as THE CHAMPION!