Feb 22, 2011
Great things are going on here, and it will get a lot better very soon!
Summer is on the way.
Where we watch
Ducks, snow,
The view from
Since arriving last December Paul Jeffrey and I have looked at several properties around the Costa Brava Region in view of acquiring a property for Paul to launch his and ‘our’ first training center in Spain, in fact in Europe, the Dragon-Riders Clan. And we found the right one – and it is simply the best!
In March we are relocating to this new property, which will be a BJMA full time training center called the ''CASTLE''.
It is on a large property surrounded by a National forest. We will be around 10 minutes from the Mediterranean Tourism Strip at ''Costa - Brava'' (Google?) - (this is an old Celtic Region meaning ''Coast of the Brave''). There is a 2000 year old Castle right smack in the back yard (thus our name for it as a training center) and would you believe we have our own Menhir right at the front gate as you turn off the main highway.
The house is a big 700 year old ranch style residence totally renovated, great place for a bunch of Martial Artists to train & live. We have training groups from all over Spain, Germany. Norway and Hungary coming in to train during April and May, they will be training in Europe’s first Clan of the Dragon Riders (www.dragon-riders.org).
You can see exactly where we are by ''zoning in on the flags'' and you can actually see the HOUSE and the ‘CASTLE’. I think we have found our first super star here in Europe, Pettra is coming down from Germany and is an amazing warrior and will be grading in Tara Miliata during these upcoming training sessions.
You can check her website http://www.ehmorin.de/ to see what I am talking about.
We just spent the weekend cleaning up and burning off a large oval that Paul has designed a circuit of competition for the archery – riders to be a part of their extensive training trials. I am looking around the area for setting up some real aspects of true warrior hand to hand combat as well as weapons training.
CLICK HERE and you will see where we are in North Eastern Spain in a region called Catalonia near Barcelona. Not far from the Mediterranean''s Coastal tourism heaven, and real close to the French border. We are currently staying in a large unit (within a five story building complex) which is Paul Jeffreys ''Fisiocrem'' office and warehouse center.
Paul Jeffrey ''spent three years many years ago'' studying about healing and alternative medicines and created his dream of fisiocrem. Long hard road but he made it a success and the company grows at 200% annually and its doing this during a world recession. His very successful business skills come from his life''s experiences largely guided by his astute knowledge of SENJO STRATEGIES - and the BJMA Grading Degrees syllabus.
He''s a 7th Degree in Zen Do Kai and an 8th Degree in Tara Miliata here in Europe and is an expert horseman archer, and competes in long distance horse racing (ten days plus) and he is about to bring in a bunch of his best racing horses from NZ.
His company, fisiocrem, is part sponsoring me here in Spain and their lawyers are looking after my first project, BELMONTE “Death with the Rising Sun†(Google Juan Belmonte – Spanish Matador?). I am planning an Exposition on the trials & tribulations of this larger than life character. One of their lawyers Mr Francisco (Paco) Lopez also is a 4th Degree with us in Tara Miliata, he is setting meetings for contractual negotiations.
Anyway, after all of this, I am alive and well and extremely happy...
Robert V. Jones (The Chief - In Europe)