Celtic warriors drinking liberally of their own exquisite wines and devouring a well cooked feast of abundance, more often than not they would notoriously fight amongst themselves, as each boasted of their days exploits and conquests with stories so grandeur as to be unbelievable. Often the Bards would have to intervene and tell it like it really was - thus avoiding serious altercations.
Throughout the ages many of our greatest archaeological finds have been exquisite caches of weapons, which had been mysteriously deposited into lakes, rivers and sacred springs. This was the Celts paying tribute of expressing their love for Fand, their Goddess of Water. Well trained warriors living their lives on the battlefields of these ancient times, knew well that water was their number one commodity for health, sustenance and for - their ultimate survival (Wars will be fought in the future – due to water supplies).
In recent times Fandango is well known by its interpretation of two men dancing around a woman, each man using more and more intricate dance manoeuvres signifying they are competing/ fighting for her affections. As the woman represents a Celtic Goddess during this performance of Fandango, she of course, has an interest in seeing who has the superior ‘warrior-fighting skills’ to warrant her attention. Historically, the Gaelic word Fandango was broken down into two parts for a more informative interpretation…
Fand, representing the feminine (Matriarchal), the Goddess of Water and Angos being the masculine (Patriarchal), representing the God of Love. This connection of water with love has always been very powerful in Celtic folk-lore. Their love of water and natures other elements of earth, air, fire and the *void is constantly interwoven through all of their mythology.
(*the Void, their attention to Godliness, the Druids spiritual teachings to all the Celtic peoples revolved around their belief that the first four elements of nature were the source of all life and that in the very beginning there was the Universal Void – with which, they believed all of us are the ‘one’ and the ‘same’. They believed and taught that our connection to the Universe was – our breathing).
During the matriarchal time of the Celts and their Druids, there was an element of fascination and admiration with the ‘miracle of birth’ and our Water Goddess and her association with Angos (love). They knew we are born into the world when our mother’s water breaks; we are born with our entire human body being made up of 70% water. We are born into a world that is made up of 70% water, yet our planet was named ‘earth’?
As the 20th Century came to a close, the European psyche finally took a turn for concern for this Celtic cultural importance of water. The phrase ‘Water in Celtic Countries’ was first formulated in July, 1996 with the inaugural Inter-Celtic Colloquium on Hydrology and Management of Water Resources. This was staged in Rennes, Britanny, France . The Second Inter-Colloquium “Water in the Celtic World: Managing Resources for the 21st Centuryâ€, was held in Aberystwyth, UK , during July 2000 organised by the University of Wales. The Third Inter-Celtic Colloquium “Celtic Water in European Framework – Pointing the Way to Equality†was held in Galway, Ireland during July 2002. The most recent, the Fourth Inter-Colloquium was staged in Universidade do Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal in July 2005, thus Portugal ‘s acknowledgment of their heritage as a Celtic country.
A ‘new millennium’ science known as Quantum physics is experimenting with re-inventing the powers of the mind and its interconnection with water, the most relative of the elements. Recently a Japanese author/scientist, Mr Masaru Emoto has written several books on the subject. He – like the Druids of a long gone era – felt that the molecular structure of water was capable of a non-physical response with only human thought being the driving source. He ran a series of tests where a portion of pure distilled water taken from the Fuji Warra Dam was left to stand overnight in its natural state, the following morning, this water was photographed (this was the same state of water that as youths, our Celtic Grandmothers told us never to drink without stirring or shaking, as overnight the water had also been asleep. Our Grandmothers knew that for maximum benefit for our health - the water needed to be energised). The next day the water was blessed by a Buddhist Priest and again photographed. The following day the water was thought of with love and affection by a mother, thinking of her children and then the water was again photographed.
The final day, a third person thought abusively into the water, this photo and all of the others showed startling differences with a total reshaping and composition of the molecular reaction to each of these different thought processes of human emotions.
Recently a startling scenario was carried out in the USA , in Washington DC. Approximately 4000 meditators from more than one hundred countries came together to prove publicly the results of their previous experimentations with meditations. With the Mayor and the Chief of Police bearing witness, after one solid week of this group all together in a large venue, sharing this power of thought, everyone ‘thinking’ collectively for peace and tranquillity… it is recorded that murders and the crime rate decreased 25%. And just as surprisingly after the seven days and the mediators returned to their own countries, the Washington DC., murder and crime rate returned to its regular statistics.
FANDANGO… Just try for a moment to comprehend the magnitude of her power, makes you wonder doesn’t it? If our thoughts can do this to water and the human psyche, imagine what Fandango could have our thoughts do for us? In today’s modern society Celtic Fandango has been famously portrayed to a world-wide audience as the exciting River Dance and the Lord of the Dance.